
The word opsis comes from Aristotle's Poetics and refers to the concept of representation and the practice of staging, a decisive moment in artistic creation, especially in theater, and capable of exerting a great seductive power on the spectator. At the same time, the opsis is the preferred place of masking and concealment, which, in order to involve the spectator, hides what it doesn't want to show.

The Opsis project therefore aims to reflect on the concept of masking and representation in art as well as in everyday life, on what is revealed and what is hidden, and on the effects of this action on others and on ourselves, and on the role that deception and staging play in the success of any aesthetic proposal. In this sense, Nightfall, Asimov's story that we wanted to set to music, which plays above all with the concept of universal and historical deception, seemed to us a perfect starting point.

Luca Padalino
Nico Pagliaricci
David Montyel
Opsis - Opsis


/ Opsis

